Paper Recycling at Schools
Paper makes up most of the waste that is generated by schools. Rather than letting it ending up in landfills, schools are encouraged to promote paper recycling and other activities that help conserve the environment, teach the children about the importance of environmentally responsible behaviour and have some fun along the way. Our youngsters are, after all, our future and there is not better way to ensure a greener future than by educating them about measures to reduce the human impact on the environment at an early age.
Ideally, the entire school should take part in paper recycling programme from the youngest children to the oldest teachers. The teachers must be aware that they are not only transmitting their knowledge but they are also often viewed as a role model by the children.
How to Make Paper Recycling at School a Success
Get a paper recycling bin. Contact your local council to provide your school a paper-recycling bin.
Put separate paper bins in every classroom in order for the children and teachers be able to separate paper from other waste. Make sure that paper bins are labelled and placed at a visible place.
Include recycling programme into the curriculum whenever possible. It is highly important for the children to understand the purpose and benefits of paper recycling.
Involve children into the recycling programme. Encourage children to carry out projects on the topic of paper recycling, its benefits for the environment, create posters, etc.. That way you will make/keep them motivated as well as educate them about the importance of paper recycling.
Organise a trip to paper recycling plant. That way the children will be able to see where the paper they recover ends up as well as to see that they are making a great contribution to both the development of green economy and a cleaner environment.
Choose two students each week to monitor the bins. That way you will also encourage responsibility.
Get in touch with teachers from schools that recycle. They will give you first-hand information on how to motivate children to recycle, what works and what does not, things to pay attention to and other measures that could be beneficial for both the children and the environment.
Keep track of the progress. Ask the recycling company that collects recovered paper to provide you information about recovered and recycled paper, and share the findings with the children. Praise them every time they collect more paper and encourage them to continue doing so in the future. If the figures, however, are not as good as expected do not be too harsh on them. But let them know that you are not satisfied and that they should do better.